(set: $lightbulb to false)(set: $torch to false)(set: $torch2 to "unlit")(set: $floorboard to false)(set: $hole to false)(set: $button to "off")(set: $darkness to 0) Dark. [[Dark]] [[Light]][[Memory]] [[Light]](if: $lightbulb is false)[A light turns on in the [[room]].](elseif: $lightbulb is true and ($torch2 is "unlit" or $torch is false))[There is no light. [[Pocket]] [[Lightbulb|lightbulb]]](elseif: $torch2 is "lit")[Your torch is lit and illuminates the [[room]].](else:)[ [[Dark]] [[Light the torch]]](if: $lightbulb is false)[The room has gray walls and a single [[lightbulb]] illuminating it. The [[floor]] is made of wood.(if: $torch is false)[ An unlit [[torch]] sits in the corner.](if: $button is "on")[ There is an open [[panel]] in the wall.]](elseif: $torch2 is "lit")[Your torch is lit and illuminates the room. The walls are gray. An empty lightbulb socket is on the ceiling. The [[floor]] is made of wood.(if: $button is "on")[ There is an open [[panel]] in the wall.]](else:)[You cannot see the room. (if: $torch is true and $torch2 is "unlit")[ Do you [[light the torch?|Light the torch]]] [[Light]] [[Dark]]](if: $memory is 0)[Fire.](elseif: $memory is 1)[Fire. Collapse.](elseif: $memory is 2)[Fire. Collapse. Running.](elseif: $memory is 3)[Fire. Collapse. Running. Dead.](elseif: $memory is 4)[Fire. Collapse. Running. Dead. Alive.](elseif: $memory >= 5)[There is a fire. The walls start collapsing. You run. You are too late. Burning. You die. Voices. "(if: $gender is "girl")[She](if: $gender is "boy")[He] is stable.". You are alive again. They do experiments. You are in pain. Locked away. [[Dark]].] (set: $memory += 1) [[Memory]] [[Dark]] [[Light]](if: $lightbulb is false)[(set: $lightbulb to true) You take the lightbulb.](else:)[You put the lightbulb back. (set:$lightbulb to false)] [[Dark]](if: $floorboard is false)[The floor is made of dirty wood. There is a loose [[floorboard]].](else:)[The floor is made of dirty wood. There is a missing floorboard with [[dirt]] exposed.] [[Room|room]] (if: $torch is false)[You take the torch. (set: $torch to true)](else:)[You already have the torch.] [[Pocket]]You check your pocket. You have (if: $lightbulb is true and $torch is true and $torch2 is "unlit")[a lightbulb, an unlit torch, and a match](elseif: $lightbulb is true and $torch is false and $torch2 is "unlit")[a lightbulb and a match](elseif: $lightbulb is true and $torch is true and $torch2 is "lit")[a lightbulb](elseif: $lightbulb is false and $torch is true and $torch2 is "lit")[nothing](elseif: $lightbulb is false and $torch is true and $torch2 is "unlit")[a torch and a match](elseif: $lightbulb is false and $torch is false and $torch2 is "unlit")[nothing] in your pocket. [[Room|room]]Gender? [[boy]] [[girl]](set: $gender to "boy")[[Start|Actual Start]](set: $gender to "girl")[[Start|Actual Start]](if: $floorboard is false)[You lift the floorboard. There is [[dirt]]. (set: $floorboard to true)](else:)[The floorboard is already gone. There is just [[dirt]].] [[Room|room]](if: $hole is false)[You dig in the dirt. You find a [[button]].(set: $hole to true)](else:)[You see a [[button]].]You press the button. A [[panel]] in the wall(if: $button is "off")[ opens](else:)[ closes]. (if: $button is "on")[(set: $button to "off")] (else:)[(set:$button to "on")] [[Room|room]](if: $panel is "closed")[The panel is closed.] (else:)[You go through the panel into the [[darkness]].](if: $walking <= 4)[You [[walk|darkness]] in the dark passageway.](else:)[You walk into the light. (if: $lightbulb is true)[You smash the lightbulb in joy. ]You are free. [[The End]]] (set: $walking += 1)Short IF by "Nathalia Manana". [[Restart?|Start]](if: $torch2 is "unlit")[(set: $torch2 to "lit") You light the torch.](else:)[The torch is already lit.] [[Light]] [[Pocket]] [[room]]